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Lakshmanjoo Academy

EBOOK: The Magical Jewel of Devotion in Kashmir Shaivism: Stava Cintamani

EBOOK: The Magical Jewel of Devotion in Kashmir Shaivism: Stava Cintamani

This is an E-BOOK; epub format
Available as paperback and hard cover here
Pp xxxv + 182

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Link to download e-book (epub) file
Link to access free downloadable audio of original lectures by Swami Lakshmanjoo (total time 6 hours, MP3)

This book, “The Magical Jewel of Devotion in Kashmir Shaivism - Stava Cintamani” as revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo, is a sublime and unique hymn addressed to ‘Lord Shiva’, whom the author, Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa, clearly holds as the Supreme Reality. Though these hymns are both practical and deeply philosophical, the constant theme that runs like a thread through the one hundred and twenty verses is that love and devotion towards Lord Shiva is everything.

That Bhaṭṭanārāyaṇa composed his hymn with the intention of introducing his audience to the richness of the path of non-dual Kashmir Shaivism is clearly visible his unique interpretation of the ancient and highly revered Gāyatri mantra, where he says:

“I don’t care to possess that effulgent light (tat savitur varenyam) of the three worlds (bhuḥ, bhuvaḥ and svaḥ), and I don’t need my intellect elevated to the state of universal understanding (dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt); I want only for that effulgent light to direct me on the path of Shaivism – that is all I long for – and that is the only favor I ask of Gāyatrī.”

Here Swami Lakshmanjoo shares with us the secrets gleaned from the ancient masters of his oral tradition.

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